PRACTICAL PROJECT: EQ aural exercise

This assignment uses a music track as source material, in flat (unequalized), equalized and filtered versions.

For convenience, you can listen to the files here...

Your assignment is to make each of the EQed and filtered versions sound like the original flat version. You will probably find it helpful if you make a screen shot of each setting, or make a list of the settings used, so that you can refer back to your work later.

Make 20-second versions of the flat file and each of your re-EQed examples. Neat fades at the ends would be a professional thing to do. Leave a gap of at least two seconds between your examples. Use the same 20-second extract each time.

Include the flat version at the beginning of your finished file.

In each case only one band of EQ or filter has been used. In the low-frequency and high-frequency bands, you should leave the 'Q' or 'resonance' control (if your EQ has that feature) in its default position.

In each case, settings have been made at 'round numbers'. (That is a hint!)

You will find the filtered tracks the most difficult. When frequencies are taken away to this extent, it is often difficult or impossible to put them back. And equalizers do not commonly have 'inverse filters'.

The levels of the original source files have been set quite low so that there is no risk at all of clipping when you EQ. Although normally we prefer finished work to peak above -2 dBFS, for this assignment you may leave your work at the same level as the flat source file.

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